



honestbee誠實蜜蜂的總部位於新加坡,已在亞洲八個國家(日本、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、台灣、菲律賓)推出生鮮熟食外送服務,是目前亞洲最大的生鮮雜貨線上代採購與熟食快送平台,台灣服務範圍已經涵蓋雙北地區、新竹市及竹北地區、台中、高雄。 自2015年進入台灣以來,透過在亞洲八個國家的服務經驗,不斷與消費者溝通聽取意見,希望能夠不斷進步,為消費者帶來更好的使用體驗,致力成為消費者生活最好的幫手。




Cyberbiz提供一站式[新零售]解決方案,使用SAAS、IoT、BigData技術,成為市場上唯一提供三大核心產品整合方案的專家。 ★ 開店平台 ★ 智能 POS 系統/廣告機 ★ Honeycomb 峰潮智慧倉儲 我們協助店家用最短時間、最少力氣完成 OMO 線上線下融合與數位轉型,並致力於提供最棒的購物體驗!



Gandi.net 是域名註冊商、SSL 驗證機構與雲端主機提供者,成立於 1996 年,可提供超過 700 種域名。在台灣成立管地有限公司已超過三年,提供台灣發票與中文客服。支持 Open Source 軟體與社群。



SARAcares是一個全新的網路公司,由國內最大的保險經紀人公司錠嵂出資設立。目的就是讓消費者可以有一個自主選擇保險的網路平台。 我們先從網路直接投保開始,也是國內第一家用開放架構設計的平台。未來將朝向fintech的群募投保與浮動費率的精準投保方向發展,開放,中立,多樣化是我們的核心價值。



SHOPLINE 主要產品為電商自助平台,整合網站設計、商品管理和金物流系統,為電商賣家提供簡單上手的架站工具。自 2013 年創辦以來,已經有超過 80,000 名來自香港、台灣、東南亞等地的商家使用 SHOPLINE 的服務,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。 SHOPLINE 提供了一個功能齊全的品牌開店配套,讓商家可以輕鬆架設功能完善的個人化網路商店,並專注提供用戶體驗。店主不僅在短時間內就可以獲得對應所有流動裝置的獨立網店,更可以同時擁有專業的訂單管理系統、多元化的物流及支付網關、風格多樣的店舖設計、強大的增值服務模式、本地語言及客戶服務支持與數據流量分析等後台管理工具。 2014 美國 500 Startups 第十屆新創團隊 2015 香港資訊及通訊科技獎--最佳資訊科技初創企業(商業市場)優異證書 2016 阿里巴巴集團「香港創業者基金」首批名單 2017 成為Google大中華區第一個電商合作夥伴


Diing Inc.


我們是科技狂熱份子,希望能夠重新塑造人們與這世界互動的方式,如果你對物聯網與區塊鏈感興趣,歡迎加入我們! [email protected] Fascinated by the IoT and blockchain-based technologies? Interested in building great products to reshaped the way we interact with the world around us? If so, we want you. 💪 [email protected]

Incubit, Inc.


來自日本並擁有國際化團隊的 AI 新創公司。在 2016 年於 IBM Watson 駭客松獲頒優勝後,陸續與醫療 / 農業 / 機器人 / 教育以及電商等產業合作整合人工智慧並替客戶創造商業價值。 自 2017 年已成為 Nvidia 合作夥伴並將投入更多於 IoT 及影像的開發專案。 A Japanese startup focusing in AI solution integration. Our members came from globally, and after won the first price in 2016 IBM Watson hackathon, Incubit already cooperated with companies from several industries such as medical / agriculture / robotics / education and E-commerce to integrate AI solutions to create new value to their business. In 2017, Incubit became a partner with Nvidia and will contribute more in IoT and video solutions.



微軟是全球科技產業的領航者,提供全球領先的軟體、服務、設備和解決方案,自 1975 年成立以來,一直致力於幫助個人和企業用戶,全面發揮科技潛能,實現夢想。 四十多年來,微軟一直專注於技術創新與變革,透過卓越的軟體、設備和服務,能夠幫助用戶提昇生活和工作生產力,讓數億的使用者真正受益於科技。微軟公司總部位於美國華盛頓州 Redmond,在全世界超過 190 個國家和地區設有分公司或是分支機構,擁有超過 125,000 名員工。 微軟執行長 Satya Nadella 在上任後提出了新願景:「在這個行動優先、雲端至上的世界裡,微軟的核心競爭力,就是成為一個提供生產力與平台的公司,幫助在這個地球上的每一個人到每一個組織,都能貢獻更多、成就更大。」



mit.Jobs 是一個面向全球的社交求職網站,由一群具備豐富海外經驗的年輕人創辦。自 2015 年創業以來,企業、工作機會和求職用戶,已遍及17個不同國家和地區。 社群分享、資訊透明,是 mit.Jobs 的堅持。「mit」在德語中,即是「和⋯一起」的意思。透過人與人之間的推薦與連結,mit.Jobs 能為企業在全球找到最合適的人選,也為人才找到能發揮自身最大價值的舞台。 mit.Jobs is a social job platform that focusing on international and IT talents and has currently launched in 17 different countries and economies. mit.Jobs’ core values are Community Sharing and Information Transparency. mit.Jobs is leveraging on the Referral Model, through people’s connections, to link employers to the most appropriate candidates and to find talents the best stages to maximize their value in the world!


Kaligo Solutions


Kaligo Solutions is a global leader in driving customer engagement for major financial services and travel brands. We deliver beautifully functional, easy-to-deploy loyalty solutions that enable your valuable customers to earn & redeem rewards more easily and at greater value than ever before. Our focus on innovative technology and rapid implementation means clients spend less time solving IT & process challenges, and more time creating delightful experiences that build lasting customer loyalty.



MySQL is the world's most popular OS database. With its proven performance, reliability and ease-of-use, MySQL has become the leading database choice for web-based applications, used by high profile web properties including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo! and more. Additionally, it is an extremely popular choice as embedded database, distributed by over 3,000 ISVs & OEMs. To organizations in need of an open source, ACID-compliant transactional database delivering real-time in-memory performance and 99.999 percent availability, Oracle offers MySQL Cluster. Oracle drives MySQL innovation, constantly improving MySQL solutions and delivering new capabilities to power next generation web, cloud, mobile and embedded applications.

黃碼科技有限公司 Goldenio Technology



Cardinal Blue Software, Inc.


Party with your photos! PicCollage is a top photo app for iOS and Android with over 150 million downloads. It lets you make collages with images, text, stickers, GIFs, and videos, and share with friends and followers. We are building a community of millions of people who create, remix and share visual content in fun and novel ways. PicCollage brings photos and people together.



Skymizer 是頂尖的編譯與虛擬化技術團隊,幫助深度學習與數位貨幣應用的客戶建立各式的虛擬機器與編譯器,縮短 time-to-market 時間;產品為 C/C++ Intelligent Compiler,藉由獨到的編譯器與機器學習技術,幫助軟體團隊自動化的強化軟體品質、增加軟體效能。

Speee, Inc.


Speee has a mission to "Contribute to growth of society by creating new service which has an impact on our world" and deliver high added value through both Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer services. We invited Mr.Yukihiro Matsumoto, who invented Ruby, as an engineering adviser and Mr.Masahiro Ihara, who had been working for Cookpad as an engineering manager, to reform our engineering department's system and organization structure. We are now aiming to become "Speee as a technology company".



Ticketsolve is a cloud-based box office and ticketing platform working with over 270 arts and culture organisations, theatres and festivals across the UK and Ireland. We are focused on helping arts organisations and festivals reach their goals whether that means increasing sales, improving marketing, expanding audience development, kickstarting fundraising and everything in between. What makes Ticketsolve different is simple: our software, our people, and our purpose. We are passionate about the arts which is why our mission is to create the best all-round box office platform; one that is dynamic, easy to use, and helps our customers in every aspect of their organisation. Our feature-rich software has everything arts and culture organisations need from smart marketing integrations and automations to in-depth analytical tools. Founded 11 years ago on the principals of collaboration, Ticketsolve works closely with customers to really understand their needs, now and into the future - and in ways that go way beyond just ticketing. We want to ensure all our customers achieve their goals and get the most out of Ticketsolve.




GitHub is how people build software. With a community of more than 26 million people, developers can discover, use, and contribute to over 95 million projects using a powerful collaborative development workflow.




「五倍紅寶石」是由幾位台灣 Ruby 社群的朋友共同成立的一家公司,希望透過教育訓練、企業培訓等講座,將 Ruby 推廣到校園、企業、開發者。提供的服務包括:程式教育訓練、企業技術培訓與諮詢、活動場地租借與專案委托製作。

KlickKlack Communications



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